Statutes and Regulations
The NNSP implements the following statutes and regulations:
NNCERCLA, 4 N.N.C. §§ 2101-2805
Federal CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601-9675
Regulations Implementing NNCERCLA file includes:
NNCERCLA Release Reporting Regulations
NNCERCLA Voluntary Cleanup Program Regulations
NNCERCLA Fees for Environmental Review Services
NNCERCLA Regulations Governing Notice of Intent to Bring a Citizen Suit under 4 N.N.C. § 2804
NNCERCLA Regulations Governing the Preservation of Records under 4 N.N.C. § 2202
NNCERCLA Implementation Policy
Navajo Nation Radioactive Materials Transportation Act
NNEPA Guidance for the Uniform Application of Fundamental Law of the Diné to AUM Cleanup Activities
The following forms should be submitted to Navajo Nation Superfund Program, when relevant:
Hazardous Substance Release Reporting Form
Petroleum Release Reporting Form
Environmental Review Request Form (to determine proximity to NPL or CERCLA sites)