Design Review and Construction Permit Program
NNSDWA Section 2551 authorizes the Executive Director of the NNEPA to develop regulations regarding design/review. "No new or substantially modified public water system shall be authorized to begin construction or operation within the jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation until such time as the Director has reviewed the proposed design of such facility to ensure that it is capable of compliance with applicable minimum construction guidelines for public water systems."
NNPDWR Parts 1500 and 1600 provide more information about the minimum design requirements and the construction permit process.
All proposed new public water systems and proposed extension/modifications to existing public water systems and all new wells/renovations to the wells, water storage tanks, and drinking water projects will need to obtain a construction permit from the PWSSP before starting construction.
The project sponsor will need to submit a construction permit application along with project construction plans, reports, and specifications at least seven days ahead of the expected date of construction. Construction can commence after a written approval of construction is issued.
The project engineer must request approval of the construction. The project engineer must also provide as-built plans, test results, and other pertinent data.
After construction, the owner/operator will need to apply for an operating permit. The operating permit “registers” the public water system with the PWSSP. The operating permit must be renewed every three years.
Please click here for construction permits and other forms.